Diagnostic Services

Service Name
Computerized Refraction
Equipments are using for services
Autorefractometer ARK-1
Equipment Description
This equipment is from NIDEK, Japan. By this, clinician measure accurate refraction measurement, easy VA measurement with glare test, simple opacity assessment with retroillumination image, Patient-friendly accommodation measurement, Keratometry measurement with mire ring.

Service Name
AIR PUFF Tonometry
Equipments are using for services
Non-Contact Tonometer NT-530
Equipment Description
This equipment is from NIDEK, Japan. By this we can measure accurate intra-ocular pressure of eye. Accurate Intra Ocular Pressure is important for diagnosis of Glaucoma.

Service Name
OCT, OCT Angiogram
Equipments are using for services
Optical Coherence Tomography RS-3000 Advance 2
Equipment Description
This equipment is from NIDEK, Japan.Providing a comprehensive solution for retina and glaucoma analysis. Accurate image capture with a SLO-based eye tracer, selectable OCT sensitivity that allows acquisition of B-scan images through media opacities, tracing HD for accurate averaging of up to 120 images. Glaucoma analysis with wide-area normative database and high resolution AngioScan OCT-Angiography images.

Service Name
Corneal Tomography
Equipments are using for services
Corneal Tomographer Pentacam AXL
Equipment Description
This equipment is from OCULUS, Germany. It is a gold standard and a real all-rounder. Within a mere 2 seconds the Pentacam® AXL supplies you with precise diagnostic data on the entire anterior eye segment. In addition to anterior segment tomography the Pentacam® AXL has integrated axial length measurement, a feature which allows you to make accurate IOL calculations. Automatic measurement activation with quality test guarantees fast, reproducible and delegable measurements.

Service Name
Color Fundur Photography (CFP), Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)
Equipments are using for services
Color Fundus Photography & Fundus Fluorescein Angiography CX-1
Equipment Description
This equipment is from CANON, Japan. CANON is famous world-wide for high resolution camera.The CX-1 is a Mydriatic Retinal Camera with full Non-Mydriatic functionality. Besides color high resolution photography, the CX-1 is equipped with high quality optical filters for Fluorescein angiography, Red Free, Cobalt and standard even with FAF photography.

Service Name
Computerized Field Analysis
Equipments are using for services
Visual Field Analyzer, Smartfield
Equipment Description
This equipment is from OCULUS, Germany. Visual field refers to our area or field of vision with coordination of two eyes. Some disease is damage our visual field. For this reason, need to check patient visual field. Smartfield accurately measure the visual field of our both eyes.

Service Name
Equipments are using for services
Phaco-emulsification Machine CV9000R
Equipment Description
This equipment is from NIDEK, Japan. Phacoemulsification is a modern cataract surgery method in which the eye’s internal lens is emulsified with an ultrasonic handpiece and aspirated from the eye. CV 9000R is one of the finest phaco machine for micro surgery of “The State of the Art of Eye Care”.

Service Name
Yag Laser
Equipments are using for services
Equipment Description
This equipment is from NIDEK, Japan.NIDEK, a leading manufacturer of modern YAG lasers, introduces the advanced YAG and SLT combination laser. A suite of technologies has been incorporated in these lasers to achieve seamless function and greater precision. Features for targeting pathology, accurate energy delivery, and operative assist functions allow the surgeon to deliver treatments “Right on the Mark”.

Service Name
Green Laser
Equipments are using for services
Green Laser GYC 1000
Equipment Description
The Small, Incredibly Versatile Green Laser Photocoagulator the GYC-1000 is a solid state green laser that achieves stable treatment outcomes for multiple applications including retinal photocoagulation,trabeculoplasty and iridotomy. The user-friendly features include a compact and lightweight design, and a wide range of delivery options allowing versatility for in-office use and the surgical suite. This equipment is from NIDEK, Japan.

Service Name
A-Scan Biometry, B-Scan
Equipments are using for services
A & B Scan US4000
Equipment Description
This equipment is from NIDEK, Japan. A scan Biometry is important for measuring accurate IOL power before cataract Surgery and B-scan also done for evaluation of posterior segment in routine check-up before cataract surgery. US-4000 is known for accuracy in “The State of the Art of Eye Care”.